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Introducing the Spartan Ram Jack Foundation Repair Blog Series, where we embark on an in-depth exploration of the realm of maintaining and securing your home's foundation. Your home's foundation serves as the cornerstone upon which your entire residence stands, and grasping the essentials of its care is of utmost importance. Within this blog series, we will delve into various subjects, ranging from common foundation issues and repair strategies to valuable insights on safeguarding your home's structural integrity. Whether you are a seasoned homeowner or just beginning your homeownership journey, we invite you to join us on this educational and enlightening voyage into the realm of foundation repair in the St. Louis area.

Throughout this series, we will address a multitude of topics that have emerged from the extensive consultations Spartan Ram Jack has conducted over the years. These are the very subjects that homeowners like you have expressed a keen interest in, seeking comprehensive explanations and guidance to navigate the intricacies of their home's foundation.

Topic #1

Understanding common foundation issues & repairs in St. Louis, MO, is crucial for homeowners to protect their properties. St. Louis's unique geology, characterized by clay-rich soil and variable weather conditions, contributes to specific foundation challenges.

Cracks: Many homes in St. Louis experience foundation cracks. These cracks can form due to soil expansion and contraction caused by moisture fluctuations. They can also result from settlement, where the foundation sinks into the ground unevenly. Identifying the type and severity of cracks is essential for appropriate repairs.

Settling: St. Louis's soil can compress over time, leading to foundation settling. Signs include sloping floors, sticking doors or windows, and visible gaps between the foundation and the walls. Timely intervention is vital to prevent further damage.

Shifting: The St. Louis area is near the Mississippi River means that homes may encounter soil erosion, leading to foundation shifting. Shifting can cause walls to bow, leading to structural instability. Addressing shifting foundations promptly is crucial.

Seasonal Impact: St. Louis experiences a range of weather conditions, from hot summers to cold winters. These extremes can exacerbate foundation issues. Moisture from heavy rains or snow can seep into the soil, causing it to expand and potentially damage foundations.

Preventive Measures: To mitigate foundation problems, homeowners should maintain proper drainage systems, control moisture levels, and consider foundation inspections by professionals experienced with St. Louis's unique challenges.

Once you have a clear understanding of common foundation issues and the unique challenges faced in the St. Louis area, there are several important next steps they should consider to protect their properties:

  1. Professional Inspection: It's crucial to schedule a professional foundation inspection. Experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about St. Louis's geology and climate can assess the current condition of your foundation, identify any issues, and recommend appropriate solutions.

  2. Repair Planning: Based on the inspection findings, homeowners should work with professionals to develop a comprehensive repair plan. This plan should address any cracks, settling, shifting, or other issues detected during the inspection.

  3. Budgeting: Determine the budget required for the foundation repairs. The costs can vary depending on the severity of the issues and the chosen repair methods. Having a clear budget in place will help homeowners plan for their expenses. Financing options should also be considered.

  4. Selecting a Reliable Contractor: Choosing a foundation repair contractor that lacks proper experience can lead to long-term issues that may not become apparent immediately. To mitigate this risk, opt for a company that has a track record of success, broad geographical coverage, and robust national infrastructure. This ensures that they will be available for any warranty-related repairs in the future. For those in St. Louis, focus on contractors experienced in dealing with local foundation issues. Always check references, customer reviews, and industry certifications to confirm that you're entrusting your property to a qualified expert.

  5. Repairs and Maintenance: Once the repairs are underway or completed, it's essential to follow the recommendations provided by the professionals. This may include ongoing maintenance, such as managing drainage systems and controlling moisture levels to prevent future issues.

  6. Educate Yourself: Continue to educate yourself about foundation care and maintenance. Stay engaged with resources like the Spartan Ram Jack Foundation Repair Blog Series to gain valuable insights into safeguarding your home's structural integrity.

  7. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular foundation inspections to catch any potential issues early and address them before they become major problems.

By taking these steps, homeowners can proactively protect their properties and ensure the long-term stability and integrity of their home's foundation in St. Louis, MO.

wet basement- basement waterproofing-

Ah, the basement—home to forgotten memories, DIY projects, and the stuff you swear you'll organize next weekend. But what if your cozy underground sanctuary becomes a watery nightmare? Wet basements aren't just a pain to clean up; they can spell serious risks to both your home and your health. So before you say, "Ah, it's just a little water," let's dive deep into why a wet basement is more than just a messy inconvenience. Read on to find the nitty-gritty, no-nonsense answers to all your wet basement woes.

Why the Water Woes? The Causes of a Wet Basement

Plumbing Issues

Ever found yourself wondering, "Why the heck is my basement wet?" Well, the culprit could be lurking right in your pipes!

  • Leaky Faucets and Pipes: They might seem harmless, but these bad boys can turn your basement into a mini-swimming pool.

  • Sump Pump Failures: If the guardian of your basement gives up, you're in for a waterlogged nightmare.

Nature's Wrath

Mother Nature can be the true diva when she wants to be! Heavy rains and snowmelt can saturate the soil around your home, sending water right into your basement.

  • Poor Drainage: If water pools around your foundation, it's only a matter of time before it creeps inside.

  • Cracked Foundations: Cracks give water a VIP pass into your basement.

Wet Basement? Learn about the Risks to Your Home and Health

The Toll on Your Home

Structural Damage

You love your home, right? Well, a wet basement can be a ticking time bomb for structural problems.

  • Weakened Foundations: Over time, moisture can erode the structural integrity of your home.

  • Ruined Possessions: From childhood memorabilia to your treadmill—that stuff doesn't stand a chance against water damage.

Fungal Frenzy: The Mold Epidemic

Just saying the word "mold" is enough to make your skin crawl! A wet basement is like a VIP lounge for mold spores.

  • Wall Mold: Look out for peeling paint or warped walls. That's mold's calling card!

  • Furniture and Carpets: Oh, they're not immune. Mold loves to get cozy in your soft furnishings.

The Toll on Your Health

Trust me, you don't want to mess with mold. It’s a silent but deadly enemy that can wreak havoc on your health.

  • Respiratory Issues: Mold spores don't play well with your lungs.

  • Allergic Reactions: Red eyes, runny nose, and skin irritation? Yup, that could be mold exposure.

FAQs: The Burning Questions You Have About Wet Basements

What should I do immediately if my basement gets wet?

  • Turn off electrical power to avoid any risks.

  • Remove items from the wet area.

  • Start mopping up water and use fans to dry the area.

How can I prevent a wet basement?

  • Regularly check and clean your gutters.

  • Install a quality sump pump.

  • Use sealants on any foundation cracks.

Can I clean up a wet basement myself?

Well, it depends on the severity. Small leaks? Sure. A full-on flood? You might need professional help.

Your Wet Basement Action Plan: Ditch the Water, Save Your Health

Ready to tackle that pesky wet basement problem head-on? Here's your step-by-step action plan:

  • Inspect: Determine the source of the water. Plumbing or natural causes?

  • Dry It Out: Mop up standing water and use fans to accelerate drying.

  • Evaluate: Check for damages to possessions and the structure.

  • Fix the Source: Repair any leaks, cracks, or other vulnerabilities that invited the water in.

  • Seek Professional Help: When in doubt, consult experts to assess structural damages and mold risks.

  • Take Preventive Measures: This time, be prepared. Fix your drainage, patch up those cracks, and give your sump pump a little TLC.


So there you have it. A wet basement isn't just a soggy mess; it’s a serious issue that can jeopardize your home and health. But don't just take my word for it! Educate yourself, take action, and, when needed, consult the pros. Because a little water today could be a whole lot of trouble tomorrow. So the next time you find yourself asking, "Wet basement? Learn about the risks to your home and health," you'll know exactly what to do. Now go on, reclaim your basement, and give it the love it truly deserves!

The effects of expansive soil on home foundations are well-documented and devastating. As the soil expands and contracts, it exerts extreme pressure on the foundation, causing cracks in the foundation and interior walls, water leaks, foundation failures, windows and door sticking, uneven floors, along with many other potential structural problems. These issues can be particularly concerning for homeowners in the Midwest.

Expansive soil can be a homeowner's worst nightmare, especially if you reside in the Midwest. This unique type of soil has the peculiar ability to expand and contract significantly with changes in moisture levels. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what expansive soil is, why it's a concern in the Midwest, and how it can affect homes in the region. Let's dig in!

Expansive Soil

Expansive Soil Characteristics

Expansive soil, also known as shrink-swell soil, is characterized by its ability to undergo significant volume changes in response to moisture fluctuations. It's primarily composed of clay minerals, which have a unique crystal structure that allows them to absorb water and expand, as well as release water and contract. These changes in volume can lead to foundation damage.

Why Is It So Expansive?

The expansive nature of this soil can be attributed to its clay content and the way these clay particles attract and hold onto water molecules. When moisture levels increase, the clay particles soak up water and swell, exerting tremendous pressure on anything in contact with them, including foundations and basement walls.

Identifying Expansive Soil

Recognizing the presence of expansive soil around your Midwest home is crucial for early intervention. Signs of foundation damage may include cracks in your walls, uneven floors, sticking doors and windows, and even plumbing issues due to shifting foundations.

The Midwest Landscape

The Midwest's geological makeup varies, but expansive soil is prevalent in several states, including Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. Understanding the local soil composition is essential for homeowners in this region.

Expansive Soil in the Midwest

Expansive soil is widespread in the Midwest due to the region's diverse climate, with hot summers and cold winters. These extreme temperature variations can lead to significant moisture fluctuations in the soil, exacerbating its expansive properties.

Impact on Home Foundations

The effects of expansive soil on home foundations are well-documented. As the soil expands and contracts, it exerts pressure on the foundation, causing cracks and, over time, potential structural damage. These issues can be particularly concerning for homeowners in the Midwest.

Basement Waterproofing Challenges

In addition to foundation issues, expansive soil can also create basement waterproofing challenges. The soil's ability to hold and release moisture can lead to water infiltration, resulting in damp basements, mold, and mildew problems.

Preventing Expansive Soil Damage

Preventing damage caused by expansive soil requires proactive measures. Soil stabilization techniques and proper drainage systems are effective ways to mitigate the soil's impact on your home's foundation.

Foundation Repair Solutions

When damage has already occurred, homeowners have several options for foundation repair. These include underpinning and piers, as well as slabjacking to level and stabilize the foundation.

Basement Waterproofing Strategies

Addressing basement waterproofing issues involves both interior and exterior solutions. These methods can help keep your basement dry and free from the harmful effects of expansive soil.

Working with Professionals

Choosing the right contractor for foundation repair and basement waterproofing is essential. Professionals can provide inspections and assessments to determine the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate solutions.

Cost Considerations

Budgeting for repairs related to expansive soil damage is a critical step for homeowners. Understanding the potential costs involved can help you make informed decisions.

Insurance and Legal Aspects

Homeowners' insurance coverage and local regulations may play a significant role in addressing expansive soil-related issues. Knowing your rights and responsibilities is crucial.

DIY vs. Professional Help

While some homeowners may consider DIY solutions, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Professional help often ensures long-term effectiveness and peace of mind.


Expansive soil is a significant concern for homeowners in the Midwest. Its impact on foundations and basements can be costly and disruptive. However, with proper identification, prevention, and timely professional intervention, you can protect your home from the challenges posed by this unique soil type.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Is expansive soil only a concern in the Midwest?

  • No, expansive soil can be found in various regions across the United States and worldwide. However, its prevalence and effects may differ depending on local climate and soil composition.

  • Can I prevent expansive soil damage on my own?

  • While some preventive measures can be taken by homeowners, it's advisable to consult with professionals, as they have the expertise to assess and address soil-related issues effectively.

  • How much does it cost to repair foundation damage caused by expansive soil?

  • The cost of repairs can vary widely depending on the extent of the damage and the chosen repair methods. It's best to obtain quotes from reputable contractors.

  • Will my homeowner's insurance cover damage from expansive soil?

  • Insurance coverage can vary, so it's essential to review your policy and discuss specific concerns with your insurance provider.

  • What legal regulations exist for dealing with expansive soil issues?

  • Local regulations and building codes may vary. It's advisable to check with local authorities and consult with experts to ensure compliance with relevant laws.

Spartan Ram Jack is a locally owned company and is part of the nationwide Ram Jack network of foundation and waterproofing specialists. Spartan Ram Jack is a name you can trust for residential, industrial, and commercial structural repair services in the greater Kansas City, St. Louis, Wichita, and Columbia, MO areas. You Don't Pay Until the Job is Complete!

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